Pro-Government Militias

Pro-Government Militia Website

Muslim Brotherhood Gangs (Egypt)

Basic Group Information

Name assigned by coder: yes
PGM ID Number: 467
Country: Egypt
Date formed: Dec. 10, 2012
    Accuracy of date formed: year
Details of Formation: The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is an Islamic organization that was founded in 1928. After the fall of Mubarak, the MB formed the “Freedom and Justice Party” which is its political wing. Besides winning the parliamentary election, Mohamed Morsi was also elected president and was sworn in on June 30, 2012. In December 2012, it is first reported that there exists some violent subgroups of the MB. Therefore, it is unclear when and how those gangs of the MB were exactly formed.
Date dissolved: July 3, 2013
    Accuracy of date dissolved: day
Details of Termination: The military ousted president Morsi from office and took over power in early July 2013. Afterwards the MB was declared a terrorist organization by court and their activities were banned.
Termination Type(s): change in government

Former and Successor Group Information

Predecessor group(s): none
Successor group(s): none
Private Military Company? no
Former Group? yes
    Former Armed Group? unclear
Former Rebel Group? no
    Former Rebel Group UCDP ID: none
PGM Becomes Rebel Group? no
    Successor Rebel Group UCDP ID: none

Government Relation, Support, and Training

Government Relation: informal (type 1)
Created by the Government?: no
    Main Creating Government Institution: none
Government Link(s): person/minister; political party
    If link to party, name of party: Freedom of Justice Party
Training and Equipment: no information
Shared Information and Joint Operations: no information
Shared Personnel: no
Type(s) of Material Support: corporation
State Sponsor(s): none
Other Connection(s):

Group Characteristics

Membership: religious
Primary Membership: religious
Alternative Primary Membership: no information
Location: Mainly Cairo
Force Strength: [unknown, unknown]
Target(s): unarmed political opposition, government critics; journalists
Purpose(s): protect state, national or religious leader(s); intimidate political opposition; fight insurgents

Ethnic Characteristics

Ethnic Target(s): none
    Quality of Information for Ethnic Targeting: not applicable
Ethnic Membership: none
    Quality of Information for Ethnic Membership: not applicable
Ethnic Purpose: none
    Quality of Information for Ethnic Purpose: not applicable

Other Information

Other Information: It is uncertain if the PGM was supported by the government with material or money. However, Khairat al-Shater, a business man and one of the leaders of the MB, was one of their financiers.

New Variables from Meta-Analysis


Purpose: The militia was the militant wing of Mohammed Mursi’s political “Freedom and Justice” party and was created to attack government critics.
Relative Benefit(s) of PGM Use unknown

Treatment of Civilians

Treatment of Civilians: The militia used violence against government opposition and protesters. This behavior led to more anti-government protests, which resulted in the removal of Mursi’s government.
Type(s) of Violence against Civilians: unknown

Reasons for Membership

PGM Members Coerced? no
PGM Members Paid? no information
Reasons for Membership: Members were motivated by their religious beliefs and opposed opinions or behavior that were critical.
PGM Members Killed? no information

PGM Size

Size: No information.

Weapons and Training

Weapons and Training: The militiamen were armed with machetes, knives and guns.


Organisation: The militia was closely linked to the party and the movement of the Muslim Brotherhood. But there is no further information on how these organizations were connected to one another.

Reference(s) for Meta-Analysis

Wikipedia. “Muslim Brotherhood”.

Information was taken from news sources listed in the PGMD.
